Welcome to Southern Home Safety

Storm Shelters · Safe Rooms · Storage Bunkers

Protect Your Family

Protect your family, large or small, from tornadoes and other weather dangers with a Southern Home Safety storm shelter. Southern Home Safety offers large and small sizes to accommodate most families and commercial installations.

Our storm shelters and safe rooms have a wheelchair accessible, 36" wide, ADA-compliant entry. The inside height is 6' 9".

Why Southern Home Safety?

Our family-friendly storm shelters have a double-plated steel door and rebar-reinforced concrete walls that average 6¾" thick and a 6" thick rebar-reinforced ceiling and floor.

Southern Home Safety tornado shelters are extremely heavy with approximate weights of 10 to 17 tons depending on the size you need! While our door weighs more than 600 pounds, it swings easily and is senior-friendly.

Our storm shelters can also serve as safe rooms or walk-in safes in the event of a home invasion, emergency or other disaster.

Southern Home Safety works closely with FEMA and Emergency Management Agencies in each state during times of disaster for quick installation of shelters for those in need.

Made in Mississippi Since 1997

Southern Home Safety Inc. is a family-owned business – founded in 1997 by John Blackford of Prairie, Mississippi. Please contact us for more information and references.

Manufactured in Prairie, MS

Protect Your Family

Call or Text 662-315-1695

Serving the entire Southeast – Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana and Tennessee – with custom storm shelter and safe room delivery and installation.

Southern Home Safety is a licensed and insured FEMA-compliant storm shelter installer for both residential and commercial installations.

Now with More Safety Options!

  • Interior Steel Shelters
  • Exterior Concrete Shelters
  • Safe Rooms (in new construction)
$$$ Financing is Available! $$$

Our Shelters are 320 / 361 FEMA-Compliant

Learn More – Great Financing is Available!

For technical information, pricing, financing and more about our storm shelters and safe rooms, call or text 662-315-1695. Talk with a friendly Southern Home Safety storm shelter specialist today.

Storm Shelter Delivery, Setup & Installation

Southern Home Safety takes care of all storm shelter delivery, installation and setup for you. Our shelters and safe rooms can be installed with minimal disturbance to your life or property as demonstrated in the short time-lapse video below.

Safety = Peace of Mind

Learn more — check out our storm shelter survival photos featuring an actual tornado hit on a Southern Home Safety storm shelter. In this instance, incredible devastation greeted 12 survivors when they emerged from their tornado shelter.

Featured Storm Shelter Highlights

A few of the many benefits of owning a Southern Home Safety storm shelter:


Maximum Safety

Whole-family protection for tornado injuries and criminal home invasion.


Convenient Placement

Above-ground setup within your garage, house, yard or business. Your choice!


Walk-In Accessibility

Ground-level access. One single 6″ step. Wheelchair access available.


Dual Purpose

Sleep safely, knowing your tornado shelter is also a safe room and walk-in safe.

beautiful weather

Custom Installation

Delivered and installed by Southern Home Safety licensed and insured professionals.


Peace of Mind

When the tornado warning sounds, you’re family can be safely sheltered quickly.

You are a breath of fresh air to us. You were so prompt and organized with the sell, delivery and set up of our storm shelter. Thank you!!!

— Glenn and Betty Ward (Feb. 2023)

“I just wanted to thank you again for being so prompt in installing the storm shelter on my son’s property in New Albany shortly after the tornado hit Tupelo.

The tornado that came across North Mississippi last week hit farther north but could just as easily have hit them. While the tornado sirens were blaring I got a text ‘we are in the storm house’. Peace of mind has no price tag.”

— Diann Sloan (Dec. 2015 via email)

Learn More – Great Financing is Available!

For technical information, pricing, financing and more about our storm shelters and safe rooms, call or text 662-315-1695. Talk with a friendly Southern Home Safety storm shelter specialist today.